Pimple on the Lip: Here’s What to Do

Ouch! A pimple on the lip is a constant painful reminder. Here’s what you need to do to rid yourself of that pesky pimple problem.

Skincare Basics: What is Acne and How to Treat It

The #1 skin condition, acne, affects 9.4% of the global population, making it the 8th most prevalent disease on the planet. These are whopping statistics, so what is acne and how do you treat it?

Skincare Basics: What is an Exfoliator?

Your skin sheds 40,000 dead cells hourly. What happens when you don’t exfoliate to get rid of them? Lots! So, what is an exfoliator and what does it do?

Dry vs Dehydrated Skin – How to Tell the Difference

Is my skin dry? Or is it dehydrated? How can you tell the difference? And is there really a difference between dry vs dehydrated skin?

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